Jackie Chan arrives to mixed emotions

Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan is back in Taiwan again four years after angering then President Chen Shui-bian's supporters with his controversial remark about an assassination attempt targeting the head of state.
Chan was greeted by a protest by opposition supporters and a welcome by fans at the same time at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport yesterday as he arrived aboard a private plane.
"Get out, Jackie Chan," the protesters chanted as they were blocked by police.
"Welcome, Jackie Chan," the fans countered.
Chan is here for a charity event to raise funds for needy children.
He angered Chen's supporters four years ago by describing the March 19 pre-election shooting -- in which the ex-president was injured -- as a "big joke."
He did not set foot on Taiwan again until yesterday.
Government Information Office Minister Vanessa Yea-ping Shih said Taiwan should always give a warm welcome to those who come to take part in charity activities.
She described Taiwan as a "lovely society with friendly people who accept different opinions."
Asked whether Chan will be invited to attend the Golden Horse Film Festival this year, Shih said art and politics are two different matters that should not be mixed.
She said it is up to the festival organizer to decide whether an invitation will be extended to the movie star.
But in Taichung City, the host of this year's film festival, councilors from Chen's Democratic Progressive Party have demanded that Chan not be invited.
They said that Chan "owes Taiwan an apology" for his "big joke" comment, which DPP Councilor Hsiao Chieh described as a "humiliation to all of Taiwan's people."
Chan agreed to help promote the charity campaign in Taiwan because it was similar to the "One-Dollar Fund" program he launched to offer care for children, according to the organizer, the TVBS Caring for Taiwan Foundation.
It said Chan wants to help Taiwan children after learning that some 50,000 of them live in households incapable of paying their education costs.
Chan was greeted by a protest by opposition supporters and a welcome by fans at the same time at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport yesterday as he arrived aboard a private plane.
"Get out, Jackie Chan," the protesters chanted as they were blocked by police.
"Welcome, Jackie Chan," the fans countered.
Chan is here for a charity event to raise funds for needy children.
He angered Chen's supporters four years ago by describing the March 19 pre-election shooting -- in which the ex-president was injured -- as a "big joke."
He did not set foot on Taiwan again until yesterday.
Government Information Office Minister Vanessa Yea-ping Shih said Taiwan should always give a warm welcome to those who come to take part in charity activities.
She described Taiwan as a "lovely society with friendly people who accept different opinions."
Asked whether Chan will be invited to attend the Golden Horse Film Festival this year, Shih said art and politics are two different matters that should not be mixed.
She said it is up to the festival organizer to decide whether an invitation will be extended to the movie star.
But in Taichung City, the host of this year's film festival, councilors from Chen's Democratic Progressive Party have demanded that Chan not be invited.
They said that Chan "owes Taiwan an apology" for his "big joke" comment, which DPP Councilor Hsiao Chieh described as a "humiliation to all of Taiwan's people."
Chan agreed to help promote the charity campaign in Taiwan because it was similar to the "One-Dollar Fund" program he launched to offer care for children, according to the organizer, the TVBS Caring for Taiwan Foundation.
It said Chan wants to help Taiwan children after learning that some 50,000 of them live in households incapable of paying their education costs.
放 下 真 好
當您的肩上持續地扛著一、二十公斤重物,或是生活、工作中有著沉沉的重擔時,相信您只有一個念頭 ︰「若能放下那該有多好!」
佛法說 ,一切煩惱皆由妄想、執著而生。 其實,許多重擔並無實質可見之形相,全然是因為自己的妄想或執著而加諸之、增長之。
從事設計工作的朋友,大多不但要做到盡善盡美,還要按約定時間文件,質與量的壓力交疊而來。 因此,經常夜以繼日地工作,直到身體無法承擔而失去健康, 甚至無法再繼續工作。這時,人生立刻從繽紛蛻為黑白,無力感日益擴大,乃至怨天尤人,無法控制自己ㄧ觸擊發的情緒。
、汲汲營營地追求,卻不知道要追求什麼,既忙且盲地隨著外界的價值觀匆匆而行,不但賠掉歲月青春 煩惱也逐日增長,身心之重擔,幾至窒息。
自從來到精舍加入修行的行列後, 深深體會到 「放下ㄧ切,煩惱自消」的喜悅, 不再盲目地追隨和鑚營 ,依照金剛經中所說的︰「凡是有相 ,皆是虛妄」放下外在所見、 所有,感受到前所未有的輕鬆自在,也因此有更多的時間接觸佛法。
ㄧ直以來,我總以為誦經只是ㄧ般的消災祈福而已,甚至將其視為迷信。學佛之後,方知ㄧ切佛法都是用來解除我們心中的煩惱及妄想,將往昔所造的業障,轉惡為善,乃至轉凡為聖,如金剛經中所言 ︰「善男子善女人,受持讀誦此經,若為人輕賤,是人先世罪業應墮惡道,已今世人輕賤故,先世罪業即為消滅, 當得阿篎多羅三藐三菩提。」相信繼續精進用功,定可有更深的體會。
由衷感三寶的引導,讓我們有機會體會到放下及付出的快樂。人生不用執著該如何過,世間所見所遇皆是姻緣果報所現,不需刻意追求 只要每天利用幾十分鐘,靜下心來,放下萬緣,體驗本具純淨的心,感受放下的自在,相信您會有這樣的感受 ︰「放下,真好!」
佛法說 ,一切煩惱皆由妄想、執著而生。 其實,許多重擔並無實質可見之形相,全然是因為自己的妄想或執著而加諸之、增長之。
從事設計工作的朋友,大多不但要做到盡善盡美,還要按約定時間文件,質與量的壓力交疊而來。 因此,經常夜以繼日地工作,直到身體無法承擔而失去健康, 甚至無法再繼續工作。這時,人生立刻從繽紛蛻為黑白,無力感日益擴大,乃至怨天尤人,無法控制自己ㄧ觸擊發的情緒。
、汲汲營營地追求,卻不知道要追求什麼,既忙且盲地隨著外界的價值觀匆匆而行,不但賠掉歲月青春 煩惱也逐日增長,身心之重擔,幾至窒息。
自從來到精舍加入修行的行列後, 深深體會到 「放下ㄧ切,煩惱自消」的喜悅, 不再盲目地追隨和鑚營 ,依照金剛經中所說的︰「凡是有相 ,皆是虛妄」放下外在所見、 所有,感受到前所未有的輕鬆自在,也因此有更多的時間接觸佛法。
ㄧ直以來,我總以為誦經只是ㄧ般的消災祈福而已,甚至將其視為迷信。學佛之後,方知ㄧ切佛法都是用來解除我們心中的煩惱及妄想,將往昔所造的業障,轉惡為善,乃至轉凡為聖,如金剛經中所言 ︰「善男子善女人,受持讀誦此經,若為人輕賤,是人先世罪業應墮惡道,已今世人輕賤故,先世罪業即為消滅, 當得阿篎多羅三藐三菩提。」相信繼續精進用功,定可有更深的體會。
由衷感三寶的引導,讓我們有機會體會到放下及付出的快樂。人生不用執著該如何過,世間所見所遇皆是姻緣果報所現,不需刻意追求 只要每天利用幾十分鐘,靜下心來,放下萬緣,體驗本具純淨的心,感受放下的自在,相信您會有這樣的感受 ︰「放下,真好!」
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